What’s love got to do with it

I believe in love but it comes and goes.  Like the falling of leaves, love often falls gently to the ground; at least that’s my experience. Marbling paper is also like love; you never really know what the pattern will look like, or what the outcome will be. There is a serendipitous moment as inks float on water to make a design that can be changed with the touch of a strand of hair or a gentle blowing. There is something very visceral about coating paper and making photograms in the sun. It is a Zen like experience where breathing and timing is everything. There is no going back and no changing the outcome. This project explores the range of emotions and ups and downs of relationships.  Both processes of marbling and making photograms have elements of surprise and chance, very much like falling in and out of love. So love has everything to do with it.

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